Monday, October 5, 2009

Helen and Michael Moore

OK, so the parts to the title of this blog have nothing to do with each other. I did Helen this morning. When I started to warm up this morning, I realized I did not write down the reps of KB swings for each round. So, I asked a director at my globo gym to use her internet. She had not idea what crossfit is. I was not surprised, but a little insulted when she told me that I should join their computer fitness program because then I could sign in and do the daily workout they suggest. I can only imagine what that would involve, especially because most people I know who use that program use machines. Machines are the enemy!!!

Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups

Time: 10:09 as RX'ed

For anyone who reads the Brand X Forum, that is only 9 seconds above GuardDawg's suggested time for that WOD.

This afternoon I saw Capitalism, A Love Story. It was my first Michael Moore movie, and I must say that I rather enjoyed it. If anyone has done a fact check on it, let me know. I have been following the economic crisis on and off for the last two years, but I had not idea how corrupt the Government's role is in the matter. Paulson should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and sent to a federal "fuck me in the ass" prison. Except, once he had the bank regulations thrown out the window during the Bush Administration, I guess what he did was technically not illegal. I am sure some smart prosecutor could find something illegal he did. Maybe mail fraud. Bottom line, Obama better not allow the big companies to influence his presidency. Otherwise, he is nothing more than an f'ing idiot and I hope he gets impeached.

Scrubs is on. Hell yeah. Although I do not like this episode because Karla is obsessed with being a mother and is letting her marriage fall. Just another reason to never have one.


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