Thursday, November 5, 2009

4 rounds of 800m Run

The WOD's this week have taken a toll of me for some reason, apart from the fact that I am fighting off the beginnings of a cold, so I made a conscious decision today that I would take it easy tonight and treat this WOD as an active rest day. I would run a fair pace with no worries about my times. I ran on a treadmill at my globo because the indoor track is too small to get in any rhythm, and I am best at keeping a constant pace on a treadmill where I can set it and just go. However, once I started my first round, this became anything but a rest day. The Workout:

Four rounds, each for time of:

800 meter run

Rest as needed between efforts.

Times: around 3:13 for each round.

I put the treadmill on 10.0, then walk/ran as it sped up. 10.0 was the highest speed. I could have done faster on my first round, maybe my second. However, by the third and fourth, I was huffing it.

Let's hope this did not kill my chances of snatches, ohs, and running tomorrow morning. Night.

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