Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Crossfit appears in life

Well, I often find myself day dreaming while driving (or sitting at my desk) about using the functional strength I am gaining from Crossfit to achieve different things. Sure, it usually ends up with me being some James Bond figure scaling tall fences while my mad muscle up abilities and throwing debris out of the way with my skills in Oly Lifts; however, I finally saw Crossfit come in handy yesterday.

As some of you may know, the East was pummeled with snow. Pittsburgh is still a land a white. The barn, where my mother boards her horse, is owned by an old lady, and is situated on top of a huge hill with a one-lane driveway that winds up the side of the hill. It was covered with snow, no one could get up or down in a vehicle, and the old lady hurt her back trying to shovel the snow to get to the horses. Needless to say, we all jumped into action. While some attempted to dig out the driveway, I chose to make the trek up the hill to help with the horses. I reached a point where the plow team had cleared, about halfway down from the top, and I proceeded to run. No emergency, I just wanted to run. There I am, running up hill in boots and a heavy coat, and it occurs to me that I have been running for a minute or so, and I am not winded at all. In fact, I could do this the rest of the way up . . . and I did.

Not a great show of strength, and nothing to go down in Crossfit history for, but I know I would not have been able to do that 1.5 years ago when I started Crossfitting.

Thanks Crossfit!!!

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